The Mysterious Photographs

Over the break, I was looking at a collection of some old “family” pictures, which were sent to me a number of years ago.  Among them were a lot of original pictures of my grandfather from the early twentieth century.  And among these were pictures which he took as a government photographer during a ten year stay in Europe, from 1914 to 1924 (having visited Poland in 1914, and getting stuck there because of the outbreak of WW I).  What struck me as particular bizarre was a picture of my grandfather in a suit and tie seated amongst apparently German soldiers.

First of all, what was he, an American citizen who was staying in Poland, doing amongst German soldiers, who were the enemy?  Wasn’t he perhaps concerned about being accused of associating with the enemy at some later date?

Secondly, being that he was in Poland, we would expect to see him with Polish soldiers?

However, all of this became clear when I discovered that, in fact, half of Poland was occupied by Germany also in the first World War (the other half was occupied by Germany’s ally, Austrian-Hungary).  At the time of the photograph, which was mostly likely in the earlier years of the occupation, the US was still neutral.  Furthermore, many viewed Germany as a liberating power from the Russian Empire, who had occupied Poland up to that point.  The Germans were considered liberal-minded, after all, unlike the primitive anti-Semitic Czars.

Which brings me to my next point.  What were the Germans doing in Poland?  They presented themselves as liberators, but also wanted Poland as a buffer zone between Russian.  Or this is what historians tell us.

I had long heard that my grandfather had worked for the German government in various roles.  At one stage, he worked as a photographer, in which he was sent throughout Europe, and Poland in particular, to photograph village-dwellers for a sort of informal census.  What began to trouble him was that the Germans specifically wanted him to photograph JEWS.  Feeling like he was somehow being used as a tool for a possible future German pogrom, he quit.  Nonetheless, I have here pictures from those days with people lined up and holding numbers.  I don’t think all the people pictured are Jews, but a good number of them do look Semitic.  I put this picture through Claude AI and asked what was in the picture, and further asking if this picture was perhaps in Poland.  Oddly enough, it concluded that these were pictures from the Holocaust!

In any case, my grandfather concluded that the Germans were planning to kill off the Jews, and were already trying to gather information on them to make the job easier and more orderly.  This was already during WW I.  After the war, he tried to get back to the US fast, only delayed by his in-laws, who wanted him to stay in Poland.  He finally left in 1924, and during the following fifteen years, tried to convince his in-laws to do the same.  Finally, as the threat of war became more and more grim, they agreed.  He got them the necessary tickets and visas, and sent them the information by telegram; however, there was no reply.  Germany had just invaded Poland, for the second time.  That was the last that was heard of them, except for eyewitness testimony from a cousin that he last saw them being led to the gas chambers at Auschwitz.

What is particularly strange in this entire story is that, after his deposition from the monarchy (already in 1919), Kaiser Wilhelm II already suggested an international Holocaust through gassing:

On 2 December 1919, Wilhelm wrote to Mackensen, denouncing the November Revolution of 1918 and his own forced abdication as the “deepest, most disgusting shame ever perpetrated by a person in history, the Germans have done to themselves … egged on and misled by the tribe of Judah … Let no German ever forget this, nor rest until these parasites have been destroyed and exterminated from German soil!”[129] Wilhelm advocated a “regular international all-worlds pogrom à la Russe” as “the best cure” and further believed that Jews were a “nuisance that humanity must get rid of some way or other. I believe the best thing would be gas!”[129]

–From Wikipedia

Were the Germans planning the Holocaust before the Nazis?

One of the historical facts which gets glossed over without really considering its full implications is the fact that Hitler (Yimach Shemo) arrived at the Nazi party as an intelligence agent for the German government.  Supposedly, he was there just to infiltrate and gather information on them, much like the FBI sends agents to infiltrate the KKK and other extremist organizations.  Nonetheless, within a short time, he was suddenly leading them, and a little over a decade later, he was already the absolute dictator of all Germany, and then a few years after this, he was on a campaign to conquer the entire world and to kill off all the Jews.  Interesting result for what was supposed to be a mere intelligence-gathering operation.  Even if he was sent as an agent provocateur, at what point exactly did he stop being an agent provocateur, if at all?  Or did he just continue to do what the hidden hand of the German government wanted him to do all along?

Moreover, after the failed Beer Hall Putsch of 1923, he was sent to Landsberg Prison, where he was treated not so much as a dangerous insurgent, but more as an executive with his own personal staff and secretary so that he could dictate Mein Kampf.  To me, this looks more like a show imprisonment which intelligence agencies do for agents who are imprisoned as part of their assignment.

Hitler’s Frankist roots

In the second volume of Rabbi Martin Antelman’s book To Eliminate the Opiate (pg. 207), he speculates on whether Hitler had Jewish-Frankist roots.  Among the claims is that he was conceived in a Frankist adultery ritual on the night of Tisha B’Av.  What is remarkable is that Hitler’s birthday actually falls exactly nine months after Tisha B’Av.

Furthermore, he posits that the Hitler family itself (of which his mother was descended, even if we discount “his father” as being his real father) were Frankists who converted to Catholicism:

“A 1933 New York Times article dealing with Hitler’s alleged Jewish origins maintained that there was Jewish blood on the Stronnes [e.g. Hitler] side – Hitler’s maternal grandmother – a family which converted to Catholicism from Judaism in Vienna in the 1850’s.  Rabbinic Court testimony claims not only that Hitler’s real father was a Sabbatian, but his maternal great grandfather as well; i.e. Klara’s maternal grandfather, who fathered her out of wedlock.”

All of this came from Beit Din testimony, so I think it’s pretty reliable. Whatever the case, when I tried to figure out who all these Stronnes Hitlers were, I didn’t have much success uncovering any evidence that they were once Jews, since they all had very goyish names.  However, on further examination I found this interesting tidbit on the village of Strones (under the general entry of Dollersheim, in which Strones was included, on Wikipedia):

After the 1938 Anschluss which annexed Austria to Nazi Germany, Hitler ordered Döllersheim, Zwettl, Allentsteig, and several other smaller neighbouring villages to be evacuated in favour of a large military training area,[2] even though (or perhaps because) it contained the grave of his paternal grandmother, Maria. According to testimony given during the Nuremberg Trials by Hans Frank, head of the Nazi General Government in Poland, Hitler feared further clarification of the unconfirmed rumour that his paternal grandfather was a Graz Jew named Leopold Frankenberger. However, no evidence has ever supported this claim. The real reason for the area’s selection may lie in its relatively sparse population, poor soils and consequently low agricultural yields, lack of industry, and not least, from a military training point of view, its very severe winter weather conditions.[3]

Gee wiz, it may very be the case that “no evidence has every supported this claim” is because Hitler had all the evidence erased [here I mean the claim that he had Jewish ancestors, because Rabbi Antelman discounts the theory about Frankenberger].  In fact, outside of Jewish villages, it was virtually unheard of that the Nazis evacuated and erased gentile villages, so Strones/Dollersheim were apparently a rare exception.

What further lends credence to this claim is that in recent years DNA tests were conducted on Hitler’s family (presumably, here we’re also talking about the Strones-Hitlers).  The result: the Hitlers’ DNA was far closer to that of Jews than to that of Germans/Austrians.

So in all due respect to the claims that all Hitler’s ancestors were “Johann’s” and “Georg’s,” the DNA evidence seems to indicate otherwise, and the fact that he erased the entire village where all the records which might reveal the truth were kept lends further credence to the suspicion.

The Thule Society

As is well known, the Nazi party came out of the Thule Society, a secret society involved in the occult.  The founder of the Thule Society was a certain Rudolf von Sebottendorf.  See here, where his sojourn in Turkey amongst Bektashi Sufis [who are closely associated with the Sabbatians] and what could only be suspected as being Sabbatians is detailed:

“In July of that year he travelled to Turkey, where he settled in 1901 and worked as an engineer on a large estate there in Beykoz (Çubuklu)  that belonged to Hüseyin Fahri Paşa a Bektaşi[3], and a Mason who introduced him to esoteric studies connecting him to the Sufi Tariqa of Medlevi.

“In Bursa, a famous Jewish trader, Mr. Tarmudi, was willing to show him his rich and most precious collection of esoteric books and helped him in his initiation at the local Masonic Lodge, working according to Memphis Rite. He became an Ottoman citizen in 1911 and was apparently adopted (under Turkish law) by a noble German resident in Istanbul, Baron Heinrich von Sebottendorff, who nominated him heir of his name and patrimony. Feeling strong due to his new title and with no more financial worries, Rudolf decided to completely devote himself to esoteric research.

“Glauer [e.g. Sebottendorf] was initially interested in Theosophy and Freemasonry. In 1901 he was initiated by a family of Greek-Jewish Freemasons into a lodge which is believed to have been affiliated to the French Rite of Memphis. In Turkey, he became interested in numerology, kabbalah and Sufism (including secret mystical exercises still practised by Sufis of the Bektashi order).[1] Speculations say he might have converted to Sufi Islam [2] [3], although the evidence (from his own semi-autobiographical writings) is rather tenuous on this point. In his autobiographical novel Der Talisman des Rosenkreuzers (The Rosicrucian Talisman), Sebottendorff distinguishes between Sufi-influenced Turkish Masonry and conventional Masonry.

“Settling in Munich, he established the Thule Society[4][5], which became increasingly political, and in 1918 established a political party, the German Workers’ Party. This party was joined in 1919 by Adolf Hitler, who transformed it into the National Socialist German Workers’ Party or Nazi Party. Sebottendorf was also the owner of the Völkischer Beobachter, which Hitler bought in 1921.[5] The paper was to become Hitler’s most important propaganda tool.”

Perhaps Sebottendorf should really be “Sabbatian-dorf.”

Despite the attempt to indicate that Hitler took no interest in the occult aspects of the Thule Society per se, the fact of the matter is that he had a personal astrologer, a Sabbatian named Erik J. Hanussen, whose real name was Hershel Steinschneider.  He also taught him how to hypnotize large audiences using speech and gestures.  Moreover, the Nazis continued with their occult practices long after the Thule Society days.  For instance, Himmler acquired Wewelsburg castle for “ceremonial” purposes, primarily to serve as the central SS cult-site, associated with the occult “Black Sun” symbol.

Hitler also apparently visited America early in his career for the purposes of making contacts with Sabbatian leaders in America.  It’s possible that that’s where his early financing came from.

Moreover, when Hitler was a struggling artist in Vienna, he went about with a long beard and frock coat, causing people to mistake him for a Jew.  This is documented in OSS (the forerunner of the CIA) psychiatric evaluations conducted during WWII.  He apparently went about in the Jewish community trying to sell his artwork.  Among the purchasers of one painting was none other than Sigmund Freud, who is documented as having Sabbatian-Frankist connections, especially through his wife’s family.  There is significant evidence that Freud’s entire theory of Psychoanalysis was based on Sabbatian concepts.  (If one thinks about it, Freud’s theories were what ultimately lead to this entire hedonistic homo/trans culture of today, which is literally bringing about a modern-day mabul.  So there we have it, the spiritually destroyer and physical destroyer of humanity meet, both of them with Sabbatian-Frankist connections).

In any case, all of this raises a lot of questions about the Holocaust:

  1. Were the Germans planning the Holocaust already in WWI?
  2. What is Kaiser Wilhelm’s connection to all this?
  3. What is the connection of the German secret service, which hired Hitler in the first case, to this?
  4. Given the Sabbatian connection to the Thule Society, and Hitler’s connections to both, what was the Sabbatian connection to this?

As is documented in To Eliminate the Opiate, the Holocaust was apparently being planned already by the Sabbatians well over a hundred years previously.  This is covered throughout the book, and particularly in the chapter “The Holocaust – Sabbatian Burnt Offerings.”

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